domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010
The Stroop Effect
1- The backgrounds of this experiment: the inventor of the experiments was J.R. Stroop. But really was original worked by J.M. Cattell in 1885. Objects and colors took longer to name than corresponding words. Stroop had two mayor questions what effect each dimension of the compound stimulus would have trying to name the other dimension? And the other question was what effect practice would have trying to name the other dimension. He came up with tree experiments.
2- To conduct these experiment first do the chart at the right. It needs to be in color so that the people you experiment on can have the concept of the experiment. Then get some people and a stopwatch, later time each one, and record how they do to compare them. After that record the data of each one and then you will see the difference between people that can handle reading more or confusing more.
3- The results are that words evoked a single reading response whereas colors evoked multiple responses and that naming the colors was much slower that reading them.
4- This results are that in the fist part of the experiment they familiarize with only reading the word but in the second half of the experiment it is harder to not read but to identify the color.
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010
Journal 6 the Myth of Multytasking
2- An example is when there is traffic and there is a crash and there are many lanes the traffic will get slower. That is an example of the bottleneck that it comes from with pressure so it goes slower.
3- This is important so like business men that are really into their job they can realize many work at the same time and not feeling stressed because he thinks that he will finish all the work he needs to do. Also realizes adrenaline because of the various movements that the person performing the tasks is doing by ending a task ad starting another.
4- Russell Podrack found that “multitasking adversely affects how you learn. Even if you learn while multitasking, that learning is less flexible and more specialized, so you cannot retrieve the information as easily.” This is according to the article “the Myth of multitasking” by Cristine Rosen
5- The author concludes with a few paragraphs talking about what is multitasking that when we are talking about multitasking we are saying the art of multitasking or the attention that we are dedicating to our work and that that is the important objective at multitasking, and that with all the new technology there is cultures can gain their information easier than before. also that pot smokers are more productive than normal people.
viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010
The Mbuti Pygmies of Congo's Ituri forest have survived a brutal civil war and chaotic aftermath. But peace with its inevitable land rush poses an even greater threat. This was according to a publishment in the national geographic magazine. Mbuti or known as the Bambuti are one of several of many indigenous pygmy groups in the world they are located in Africa in the Congo region, the origin of there languages ordinates fron the Central Sudanic. They live in villages that are categorized as bands. Each hut houses a family unit. At the start of the dry season, they leave the village to enter the forest and set up a series of camps. are primarily hunter-gatherers, foraging for food in the forest. The Bambuti have a vast knowledge about the forest and the foods it yields. They collect an assortment of food like animals, fruits, and vegetables. Hunting is usually done in groups, with men, women, and children all aiding in the process. Women and children are not involved if the hunting involves the use of a bow and arrow, but if nets are used, it is common for everyone to participate. In some instances women may hunt using a net more often than men. The women and the children try to herd the animals to the net, while the men guard the net. Everyone engages in foraging, and women and men both take care of the children. Turnbull discovered every aspect of life of the bambuti they only were related to the forest. Everything in the Bambuti life is centered on the forest. They consider the forest to be their great protector and provider and believe that it is a sacred place. They sometimes call the forest “mother” or “father.”
Colin Turnbull
Colin Macmillan TUrnbull he was a famous anthropologist that dedicated his life and attention to the forest people, he worked in the field of ethnomusicology, that is the study of the different musics of the different countries in the world. Colin Turnbull he was born in London ad educated in Westminster School later he went on to Magdalen College, Oxford, there he study politics and philosophy. Later he was awarded to the university of India because he volunteered at the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, where there he got a master in the Indian Religion and Philosophy. later on in his life he then gradated from Banaras Hindu university in India. after his graduation he travels thru India with an Ohio school teacher he had meet, and starting studying the Bam Buti during this time period. Dr. Turnbull was particularly known for two starkly contrasting books based on fieldwork in Africa. One, "The Forest People" , is mainly about a group of pygmy hunters and gatherers in what is now Zaire. He depicted them as having made a skilled adjustment to a not-so-arduous forest existence, a happy people with a remarkably free and fair society.
When the book appeared, it was lauded, and it has become a standard anthropological text. The other book, "The Mountain People" is a shocking portrait of the Ik, a hapless and dwindling hunting people in northern Uganda. The Ik had been deprived of their hunting grounds and had come to lead a demoralized, dog-eat-dog life on the edge of starvation. The book became a best seller and was praised as a powerful depiction of evil. His other books include "The Human Cycle" which is about the ways in which different cultures organize the main phases of a person's life, from childhood to old age.